The Lakelands Trail Tour
Our trail tours are mostly traffic free, and great fun!
Come along, this will be fun!
Enjoy an exciting late summer weekend with a tour on the Mike Levine Lakelands Trail State Park. This wonderful trail is named in honor of bicycling patron Mike Levine and runs from Whitmore Lake all the way to our overnight stop in Jackson, and we’ve got a fun tour planned for you.
Arrive at 9 a.m. Saturday at the Whitmore Lake trail head. Sign in and drop your luggage, and then enjoy the first 11 miles of newly paved trail to Pinckney. At Pinckney the trail changes to crushed limestone all the way to the trail end at mile 34. From here there’s a combination of paved and gravel roads for the last 9 miles to our hotel. Total for the day, 43 miles including 25 miles unpaved and 18 miles paved. We’ve ridden on all the unpaved sections to be sure they meet our standards, and have optional routing around this, if desired. We’ll have your bags unloaded at the hotel, ready for when you get to Jackson for the overnight stop.
Jackson is a nice mature city. There are many good restaurants and a brewpub for you to enjoy. Several restaurants are within walking distance of our hotel, including Red Lobster, One North Kitchen and Bar, and Yen King Chinese Restaurant. Downtown Jackson is a short Uber ride away.
Did you drop bread crumbs? Sunday we complete the trail by reversing what we did Saturday.
There’s Great Value in your Tour Ticket
We haul your luggage, have a sag wagon with water, fruit & snacks, plus lunch on Saturday & Sunday. There’s a staff rider sweeping the trail, and mapping and sag wagon service, too!
The Tour Fee for Solo guests in a private room, only $259.00. Two guests in a shared room, $389.00. Pre-season pricing will be held through January 31, 2022, and is subject to change after that date!
If you’re coming over Friday to Brighton, we’ll have a list of selected hotels near the trail head for optional lodging. Special bonus if you come in Friday, we have maps for a self-guided ride around Island Lake Recreation Area, Kensington Metro Park, and the Huron Valley Trail to Milford or Wixom!
Tour parking is scheduled at the Park & Ride lot on 9 Mile Road off of US-23, exit 54. Green Oak police are aware of our use of this well lit lot.
Online registration is open now! Just click the PayPal link below and register as a solo guest in a private room, or register two people in a shared room. Come along, this will be fun!
September 10, 2022
September 11, 2022
Event Category:
Park & Ride
9797 Nine Mile Road
Whitmore Lake, MI 48189
Phone: (757)-253-8687
All Rights Reserved | Williamsburg On Wheels